Dear designer,
Thank you for registering and deciding to install this useful on your PC selection software.
In a few lines we give you the instructions for its installation and activation:
Instructions for installing the Reverso product selection software
Uninstall from the Vostro control panel PC if there is an old version
Download the executive file: http://www.aerfor.com/file/X-0.exe;
Save or copy the executable file (.exe) to the desktop;
Double-click the file icon to install it on your PC
Follow the instructions given by the software during installation
At the end of the installation this mask appears with a Key inside that will be generated for each different computer and the password request

Copy and paste (no printscreen) the key and send email to frizziero.antonio@aerfor.com , indicating the key as in the previous point;
Within an hour we will provide you with the activation password which is different for each PC
When you receive the email with the password, copy and paste in the space indicated and press OK.
Your software is now active and you can use it.
From the Zymbo Italia Technical Team